Mindy Wardlaw

Realtor Mindy Wardlaw

“So impressed by the services offered and the support that is always available and so quick to respond. Can’t find the “there has to be a catch” yet! LOL! Its’s … Read more

Ryan & Allyssa McLemore

“We love Pinnacle mainly because we get to run the business how we want to run the business. You get to choose your own path and you’re not limited.”

Kelly Loessin

“I wanted to have my own brokerage, [and] have my family be a part of it, which they now are. I wanted the ability to start my own brand and … Read more

Bill Rugg

Bill Rugg Pintail Real Estate Group at Pinnacle Realty Advisors

“Everything is set up very professionally especially when I onboarded with them. They had more than enough tools and resources that you need. And the fact that it’s more than … Read more