4 min read · March 23, 2023

Why Brokerage as a Service is Perfect for Part-Time Real Estate agents

brokerage as a service for part-time

Were you aware that there are well over 140,000 real estate agents working in the United States?

Whether you’re thinking about becoming a real estate agent or you’ve already got your foot in the door, there’s no denying that the marketplace is competitive. If you want the absolute best chance of success, then you’ll need to use modern technology and resources. One way you can stand out from the crowd is by taking advantage of Brokerage as a Service (BaaS).

Are you on the fence about BaaS for realtors? Keep reading to learn why Brokerage as a Service is perfect for part-time real estate agents.

What Is BaaS in Real Estate?

If you’ve never heard of BaaS before, there’s still a good chance that you’ve come across Software as a Service. With SaaS, the industry was revolutionized because more people could access valuable software without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. Instead, they paid for a subscription that granted them access to one or more software programs online.

This concept has now been applied to the world of real estate and agent sponsorship. With a cloud-based structure, BaaS provides its users with a wide range of tools and modern tech. One reason why it’s friendly to new real estate agents and part-timers is due to its scalability.

Instead of having to pay a huge lump sum for something you don’t need, you can pay a nominal fee each month for the specific tools and components that are necessary for your practice’s success. Not only is it easy to customize, but it’s also easy to use as a whole. Aside from the customizability, there are also plenty of accessibility aspects depending on your needs.

Considering these factors, Brokerage as a Service for part-time real estate agents sponsorship is essential.

The Benefits of BaaS For Realtors

Are you still asking yourself, “Why try Brokerage as a Service?”

Since you can choose a plan that suits your needs to a T, you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank. Best of all, you can keep 100% of your commissions no matter which subscription plan you choose. This includes the commercial plan, the premier plan, and the annual one.

If you’d rather not pay from month to month, then the annual plan allows you to pay one sum for the entire year. Whichever one you decide on, you can rest easy knowing that it takes less than a day to get your account up and running. Instead of wasting time with a bunch of unnecessary paperwork, for instance, you can start earning money as soon as possible.

While other providers try to sneak in franchise fees or desk costs, you can rest assured that you won’t find such bait-and-switches when working with a reliable vendor.

One of the biggest hurdles in the real estate industry is the various rules and regulations that come with it. The last thing you’d want is to find yourself on the wrong side of the law. You’ll be glad to know that BaaS offers legal support so that you can make decisions with the utmost confidence.

The year-end tax documentation makes the tax season a much smoother process than it would be if you were going it alone.

When it comes to other questions, such as what is the responsibility of an agent vs broker, you can always rely on the community. BaaS gives its subscribers access to a network of other users so that they can help each other out. It’s possible to build strong business partnerships if that’s what you’re looking for as well.

You Can Create Your Own Real Estate Brand

One of the main reasons for investing in Brokerage as a Service is the chance to stand out from the crowd. If you get a vendor that tries to control your image and your every move, you’ll never break through the white noise. Once you break ties with that type of vendor, you’ll have to start from square one all over again.

This is why people come to Pinnacle Realty Advisors. Our experts realize the necessity of each real estate broker maintaining a unique brand.

Brokerage as a Service can help them build their brand into something people admire and respect. This is true even if you’re starting from scratch. If, for some reason, you decide that you don’t need the services anymore, your brand will still stay yours.

Some part-time real estate agents aren’t interested in creating a specific brand. If you’d rather do your work without worrying about social media and all those extra aspects, don’t worry. BaaS is still a phenomenal resource for someone who isn’t brand-oriented, especially since a pre-made brand comes with the service.

Simply put, Pinnacle Realty Advisors empowers real estate agents in every way possible.

The only risk of using BaaS lies with the user. If someone isn’t motivated enough, for instance, then they can’t expect to thrive in this industry. As long as you have the drive, you can realize even the most ambitious dream.

Are You Ready to Take Advantage of BaaS for Realtors?

Now that you’ve learned why BaaS for realtors is a great solution for part-timers, you can use it to your full advantage. Once you use BaaS, you’ll never want to go back to your old method of doing things.

Pinnacle Realty Advisors provides entrepreneurs with premier realty sponsorships so that they can reach their most ambitious goals and beyond.  From earning more money than ever before to being in complete control of your brand, there are so many benefits of working with us.

Please feel free to reach out with questions, and we’ll get back to you soon.